“Begin to look at maps with the magical tingle of possibility.”

To view my ESRI story map, please click here.


The above map demonstrates the following technical skills:

(1) Model Builder, (2) Zonal Statistics {as Table}, (3) Euclidean Distance,
(4) Clipping, (5) Raster Calculator, (6) Conversions, (7) Reclass,
(8) Neighborhood Analyses, (9) Interpolation {IDW}, (10) Shaded Relief, and
(11) Raster Terrain Tools for Analyses {Slope, Aspect, Hillshade, Contours, Viewshed}


The above map demonstrates the following technical skills:

(1) Conversions, (2) Masking, (3) Raster Mosaic, (4) Reclass,
(5) Density Mapping, (6) Editor, (7) Buffers, (8) Raster Calculator,
(9) NoData, (10) Neighborhood Functions, and (11) ArcScene


The above map demonstrates the following technical skills:

(1) Excel Data to Map, (2) Table Manipulation, (3) Editor, (4) Dissolve,
(5) Selection {by Attributes}, (6) Intersect, (7) Table Joins, (8) Clipping,
and (9) Proximity Analyses {Near, Buffer, Thiessan Polygons}

InterpolationThe above map demonstrates the following technical skills:

(1) Interpolation, (2) Natural Neighbors, (3) IDW, (4) Splines,
(5) Kriging, (6) TINS/Terrains, and (7) Breaklines

Biodiversity HotspotsThe above map demonstrates the following technical skills:

(1) Neighborhood Analyses, (2) Density Analysis Mapping,
(3) Extraction, (4) Raster Calculator, and (5) Local Functions

Conservation PlanningThe above map demonstrates the following technical skills:

(1) Raster/Grid Math, (2) Zonal Functions/Analyses, (3) Distance Grids,
(4) NoData, (5) Masking, (6) Reclass, (7) Weighted Sum Modeling,
(8) Means, STD, Area Computation in Cells, (9) Real Numbers to Integers via Spatial Analyst,
(10) Raster Calculations, and (11) Raster to Vector

Screenshot (325)The above map demonstrates the following technical skills:

(1) Raster Data Processing, (2) Raster Calculator,
(3) Raster Terrain Tools for Analyses {Slope, Aspect, Hillshade, Contours, Viewshed},
(4) Suitability Map, and (5) Shaded Relief

Screenshot (323)The above map demonstrates the following technical skills:

(1) Vector Overlays {Poly-Poly, Point-Poly, Line-Poly, Union, Identity, Intersect},
(2) Proximity Analyses {Buffer, Thiessan Polys, Near, Point Distance},
(3) Labeling, (4) Table Manipulation, and (5) Numerical Site Quality Index

The above maps demonstrate the following technical skills:

(1) Field Data Collection & Evaluations, (2) Database Management,
(3) Table Manipulation {Add Fields, Calculate New Values}, (4) Symbology,
(5) Select by Attributes, (6) Summary Statistics, (7) Labeling, (8) Editor, and (9) Aesthetics

Screenshot (322)The above map demonstrates the following technical skills:

(1) Excel Data to Map, (2) Table Manipulation {Add Fields, Calculate New Values},
(3) Dissolve, (4) Symbology, and (5) Summary/Table Statistics

Screenshot (321)The above map demonstrates the following technical skills:

(1) Model Builder, (2) Clip/Dissolve/Erase,
(3) Selections {Attributes, Graphic, Location},
(4) Area/Cost Estimates, and (5) Add Geometric Attributes

The above maps demonstrate the following technical skills:

(1) Data Driven Pages, (2) Data Collection (with Trimble),
(3) Data Conversions, (4) Database Management, (5) Callouts,
(6) Select by Attributes, (7) Labeling, (8) Editor, and (9) Aesthetics

Screenshot (320)The above map demonstrates the following technical skills:

(1) Mosaicing/Tile Images, (2) Merging Vector Data,
(3) Merging Rasters, (4) Dissolve/Clip/Erase/Split,
and (5) Identify Patterns

Screenshot (319)The above map demonstrates the following technical skills:

(1) Georegistering Images, (2) Swipe Tool/Rubbersheeting,
and (3) Projecting Rasters

Buried TanksThe above map demonstrates the following technical skills:

(1) Projections: Define and Change {.txt GPS lat/long to RISPF},
(2) Table Joins (3) Transparency, (4) Special Symbolizing, and (5) Labeling

WhumpleGumpersThe above map demonstrates the following technical skills:

(1) Creating Line/Poly Features from Spreadsheet Coords,
(2) Add XY Events, (3) Table Joins, and
(4) Visual/Statistical Analyses

WellsThe above map demonstrates the following technical skills:

(1) Projections, (2) Labeling,
(3) File Formats {.zip, .gdb, .shp, .jpeg},
and (4) Compute Area and (5) Basemaps

 The above map demonstrates the following technical skills:

(1) Aesthetics, (2) Database Management, (3) Labeling,
(4) Grids and Graticules, and (5) Excel Data to Map

 The above map demonstrates the following technical skills:

(1) Mosaicing Rasters, (2) Database Management,
(3) Labeling, (4) Editor, (5) Callouts, and (6) Aesthetics

 The above map demonstrates the following technical skills:

(1) Database Management, (2) Labeling,
(3) Editor, (4) Callouts, and (5) Aesthetics

The above map demonstrates the following technical skills:

(1) Mosaicing Rasters, (2) Database Management,
(3) Labeling, (4) Select By Attributes, and (5) Aesthetics

 The above map demonstrates the following technical skills:

(1) Database Management, (2) Labeling,
(3) Editor, (4) Select By Attributes, and (5) Aesthetics