Violet, You’re Turning Violet!


If you don’t understand the title of this post — I highly suggest you get your butt on the couch and watch Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory this instant!!! It is a gem, and if you have yet to indulge, well… shame on you.

Je te promets qu’il y a method to my madness; but first, you just have to watch this scene. It’s only two-minutes, so I want no excuses.

Why, you ask, am I focusing on the lovely Violet Beauregard? First of all, she is sassy and has a french last name. However, the reasoning is because of the smoothie I made tonight.
After dinner, I wanted something sweet to indulge in (thank you, red wine buzz), but yesterday I ate about 3 lemon-lime bars, so I didn’t exactly want to feed my body anymore treats. At least until tomorrow.

Sooooo, I made this!
Blueberry PieIt may look like a regular purple smoothie, but oooohhhh boy is this puppy bomb. It tastes EXACTLY like a blueberry pie, and I’m being entirely serious. My parents wanted to test that theory, so they tried it… and as you can see, the jar is half empty in the picture… hint: that wasn’t just me.

The best part? It’s good for you!!!
I’m guessing you probably want to know what’s inside? I suppose I will share the love:
– 1/2 cup pomegranate juice*
– 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
– 1 cup Greek yogurt
– 2 tablespoons local honey
– 1 scoop chocolate whey protein powder (any type will do)
– ice
Simply blend all the ingredients together until creamy and serve. You’re welcome.
* If you don’t want or have pomegranate juice, you can also use coconut water or almond milk.

I’m not lying about it being good for you, by the way. You get antioxidants from the blueberries, protein from the Greek yogurt and the protein powder (24+grams of it!), enzymes from the honey, and pomegranate juice helps with heart diseases and your immune system. Of course, there are TONS more benefits from these ingredients, but I’m getting sleepy, so yeah.

Also, you may not have noticed, but this drink has 3 ingredients in it that are good for your skin, and considering my recent obsession with beneficial skin foods, well that was icing on the cake pie. The ingredients: Greek yogurt, blueberries and pomegranate.

Wouldn’t you say that sipping on this is a better alternative than eating blueberry pie? Of course, there is a time and place for pi (like 4 days ago – 3.14!), but your body will be much happier with this decision.

Anyway, I’m off to bed. I had a very exciting day (details to come) and have to be at work at 6:45 am tomorrow, so my covers are calling to me. Sweet dreams!

My St. Patrick's Day Outfit. Thought you would enjoy :)

My St. Patrick’s Day Outfit. Thought you would enjoy 🙂

About azuremarie

I'm Azure; a healthy dose of eccentricity best taken with a grain of salt. I am often described as sassy. I have a fondness for words and those who can twist them in their mouth to create something exquisite. I read a lot, delight in live music, have a mild obsession with honey bees, and am baller at boggle. I believe that being normal is boring and love bright colors. Oftentimes, I prefer the company of animals to people; particularly dogs and horses, but have recently joined team cat. I love to travel and learn. I want to be able to experience our world, as well as help it. Oh, and unicorns exist.

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