Tag Archives: Dueling Pianos

A Little Of This, A Little Of That


How’s it hanging, pretty people?

The last two weeks have been grueling, so please excuse my lack of blogging. I’m about to make up for it, though 🙂

In case you care to know, I had three exams last week (two in optimization/mathematics for economists and one in advanced microeconomic theory), two big homework assignments and then this week I had one major presentation in Econometrics, more homework and I have a final exam for my Mathematics for Economists class on Friday. BLAH. On the bright side, after Friday I will be officially done with one class! That’s a whopping 6 hours of class time and about 3-4 hours of studying every week.
Hopefully after that life will get a little bit calmer. My workout routine/climbing has seriously diminished as well, so that is where some of my free time will go.

Although I have been swamped with school, I have been managing to enjoy myself (because well, why not?). Last week I stopped in to watch a little bit of the Zedd concert, but because I had a crazy week of exams I was only able to fit in an hour. Still, it was a break and a musical one at that. Tonight I will be going to the Passion Pit concert, wahwahweewah.

The first weekend in October (Saturday the 3rd), Max and I attended the first session of the WBRU Craft Brew Fest at Lupo’sit was awesome. Lots of delicious craft beers were consumed and I ended up winning the “hangover basket” raffle which had a bunch of fun goodies. Afterwards, we met up with a friend in Providence and ate at one of my favorite Mexican spots – Viva Mexico Cantina Grille. Overall, a very successful Saturday.

"Stay Pretty And Drink Real Beer" + hangover basket!

“Stay Pretty And Drink Real Beer” + hangover basket!

I’ve also been managing to fit in a little ride time here and there; hopefully more post-Friday. Sunday, October 4th I rode Digger (my mom’s horse) in an Eric Horgan clinic – a fabulous clinician I have been riding with since I was 10. It was a fantastic lesson and we have some high hopes for next show season… he even mentioned I should aim higher than first level, which would be freaking awesome! But I don’t want to get ahead of myself. We did, however, have a wonderful show a few weeks back in Connecticut – we won first place with a score of 70% in Training 3 and second place with a score of 68% in Training 2. For those not aware of dressage scores… those are high. Basically, I self-proclaimed us being official graduates of training level. About damn time!

WinningLet’s see, what else have I been up to…

Did I mention I tried hot yoga? Max and I went a few weeks ago and I highly recommend it. We went to Rhode Island Power Yoga in North Kingstown; they were offering a free class due to their one year anniversary and it was so much fun we both bought their “beginner package” which was 3 classes for $20. Woo! Let me know if anyone wants to give it a try.

I’ve still been working, albeit only once a week, since that’s all I can handle. My juice game hasn’t been as on point lately, but hopefully when I get more time that will be altered.

Oh! Last weekend, I went to Point Street Pianos for a friend’s birthday. It is a dueling piano bar in Providence, and if you have a dirty sense of humor (as I do), or if you enjoy a fun, musical time with a bit of raunchiness mixed in, I highly recommend you check this place out. We went on a Friday night so it was pretty crowded, but we had reservations; I encourage you do that as well to ensure a table. It’s a comical time, but be forewarned: it does get loud, so if you’re looking for a place to sit and talk/be romantic, this should not be your destination.

The final fun thing I want to touch on is my rock climbing as of late. The Rock Spot (my climbing gym) started this new thing called the “Adult Climbing League”, which is a low-key competitive league that runs on Thursday evenings for 6-weeks; the kickoff event was last Thursday and I scrounged myself up a team! Obviously Max was part of it, but we needed at least one other person, so I convinced one of my fellow ENRE classmates, Kyle, to join us. He’s an amazing climber so that’s a feather in our cap. Our team name: The Crack Fisters. Yes, it is inappropriate, but we only chose that because everyone else had raunchy names as well. Teehee.

Kyle also happens to be friends with some of the really kick-ass climbers at our gym, and on Saturday, Max and I went with him and some other diesel climbers to Lincoln Woods to climb on some real rocks! It was challenging in the best way. Afterwards, we went to this little Venezuelan restaurant called La Arepa in Pawtucket. SOOO GOOD. Go there if you are into that kind of thing and in the area. Seriously, though.

Okay! Well, I think that is enough for me for one day. I should get back to some school work and final exam studying… later my loves ❤ I’ll post a side note later on about some upcoming events that may be of interest to you all.