
Sorry if the title is a little rude or vulgar… but come on, I’M IN FREAKING FRANCE. Paris, to be exact 😀 be happy for me!

So I realize that I have completely been neglecting my blog lately… the end of the summer just flew by slash snuck up on me and I just had other things to do. I have a partially written post that I will someday finish that talks of the end of my summer endeavors, so never fear.

Back to the point though… France!! I haven’t slept in over 24 hours which isn’t so awesome, but everything else is extra epic and makes up for it. Here’s a run down of my life thus far across the pond: hopped a plane from Boston to CDC Airport at 6:45pm on Sunday (goodbyes with the fam and the boy were sad, but it had to be done), and arrived in Paris at 7:30 am. It totally sucked that I lost 6 hours and didn’t get to sleep, but c’est la vie. At the airport I met up with my mentor lady (Marie, she’s so so nice) and some of the kids from my program, and then we headed to the hotel. From there we met up with some more kids from our program — a bunch of them all know each other from school — and we went to eat and gallivant around Paris. It was really nice. At 4:00pm we had to meet up with the group as a whole for orientation, typical run-of-the-mill nonsense, and then headed out for an hour long boat ride on the Seine! It was beautiful…. except we all started crashing hard (one friend actually fell asleep, haha). I was too exhausted to take pictures, sorry folks. But I saved the pamphlet and someday will upload it so you can enjoy it as well. I recommend it though; I did it in high school and it was just as awe-inducing the second time around. Paris is just so beautiful.

So yeah, after the Seine River ride, me and a group of kids went out to grab some drinks and eat some yummy in my tummy crepes — banana and nutella — and then promptly crashed. HARD. It’s 9:15pm here and I’m tucked in and ready for bed. My friend told me how she regrets never journal-ing while abroad, so instead of handwriting it I’m going to try using my blog as a journal. If it annoys you, don’t read it; but I think it will be nice for the non-explorers to read (or friends and family so you know I’m not dead).

About azuremarie

I'm Azure; a healthy dose of eccentricity best taken with a grain of salt. I am often described as sassy. I have a fondness for words and those who can twist them in their mouth to create something exquisite. I read a lot, delight in live music, have a mild obsession with honey bees, and am baller at boggle. I believe that being normal is boring and love bright colors. Oftentimes, I prefer the company of animals to people; particularly dogs and horses, but have recently joined team cat. I love to travel and learn. I want to be able to experience our world, as well as help it. Oh, and unicorns exist.

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