Tag Archives: Future Generations

Changing Our World For The Better


Hullo!! I read this article not too long ago and it was just so moving and inspirational that I had to share it with all of you. Feel free to click the link, but I’ll pretty much paste everything worth reading below.

A boy named Derek Nichols decided to post a poem written by his younger brother, Jordan, an 8th grader who seems to be wise beyond his years. Obviously he is not the first to use this style of poetry, but it’s just so relevant. Genius.

Here’s the transcript of the poem:

Our generation will be known for nothing.
Never will anybody say,
We were the peak of mankind.
That is wrong, the truth is
Our generation was a failure.
Thinking that
We actually succeeded
Is a waste. And we know
Living only for money and power
Is the way to go.
Being loving, respectful, and kind
Is a dumb thing to do.
Forgetting about that time,
Will not be easy, but we will try.
Changing our world for the better
Is something we never did.
Giving up
Was how we handled our problems.
Working hard
Was a joke.
We knew that
People thought we couldn’t come back
That might be true,
Unless we turn things around

OK! Now, read the poem from bottom to top. Here’s what it says:

Unless we turn things around
That might be true,
People thought we couldn’t come back
We knew that
Was a joke.
Working hard
Was how we handled our problems.
Giving up
Is something we never did.
Changing our world for the better
Will not be easy, but we will try.
Forgetting about that time,
Is a dumb thing to do.
Being loving, respectful, and kind
Is the way to go.
Living only for money and power
Is a waste. And we know
We actually succeeded
Thinking that
Our generation was a failure.
That is wrong, the truth is
We were the peak of mankind.
Never will anybody say,
Our generation will be known for nothing.

Isn’t that amazing?! For an eighth grader too, jeezum crow. I have to say, there are so many times where I begin to lose faith in humanity – people are just unnecessarily cruel to one another so often, and I don’t understand why. Then, there is the side of humanity that is heartless to Mother Earth, which breaks my heart just the same.

Why can’t we all get along? Why can’t we give back to our planet? Why can’t we save animals for future generations to enjoy in the wild instead of killing them for pleasure and “necessity”? Then, someone like Jordan, who is young and malleable, comes up with this, and my faith is mildly restored.

Come of people, let’s start a revolution. Baby steps are still movements in the right direction!!

Ways To Be GreenThese are stamps. They are awesome. Each individual stamp has a different way to Go Green and reduce your environmental footprint. I realize they may be a bit difficult to read, so I wrote them down for your convenience.

Reduce Your Environmental Footprint By:
– Buy local produce
– Reuse shopping bags
– Fix water leaks
– Choose to walk
– Recycle more
– Use public transportation
– Ride a bike
– Use efficient light bulbs
– Share rides
– Compost
– Plant trees
– Adjust the thermostat
– Turn off lights not in use
– Let nature do the work (like line drying your clothing)
– Maintain tire pressure
– Insulate your home

Please, please try and do these as often as possible!! You’re helping yourself, your pocket and our planet that gives us so much, every day. Peace and love my dears.