Gettin’ Juicy


Good Day! (It feels too late to say morning, yet too early to say afternoon.)

I made some juices to kick start my Thursday, and naturally I photographed them, so I figured I would share ’em with all of you for potential recipe inspiration. I’m going climbing in South Boston at noon for the day, so it was the most opportune time for me to stack up on my micro-nutrients.

Here’s the first one, which happens to be a personal favorite:

C'est ParfaitThe ingredients are as follows: Gala Apples, Parsley, Beet, Lemon, Ginger and Carrot. I call this one the “C’est Parfait”… it means “it is perfect” in French and, well, it is.

C'est ParfaitNow, I obviously used a lot of ingredients to yield a solid amount of juice because I tend to make extra for la famille, but if anyone needs or wants the ratios for personal sizes, just let me know.

Here’s the second one. It’s not as sweet and tantalizing as the C’est Parfait, but this one packs a nice health punch and really gets those juices flowing – pun intended.

Juice 2This one doesn’t have a name in my mind yet, but the ingredients are as follows: Cilantro, Tomato, Red Pepper, Lime, Parsley, Jalapeno, Celery, Garlic, Spinach and Kale. It’s sort of reminiscent of a Bloody Mary, so maybe a name like the Juicy Mary could work? I don’t know. Ideas are welcome!

Juicy Mary?Now I know having Garlic in a juice may sound weird and unappealing, and at first it may be strange, but you really actually start to enjoy the zing it gives you. I also only add one clove so it’s not overwhelming, yet you still get all the glorious benefits that garlic has to offer – and believe me, there are plenty.

Well, I’m off to climb. Have a great day! Stay fabulous.

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